
"poor health" in Spanish

"poor health" in English
It is a devastating disease which places huge burdens on families and carers, who are often isolated and in poor health because of the burdens they face.
Es una enfermedad devastadora que representa una carga enorme para las familias y cuidadores, que a menudo están aislados y con una salud precaria debido a las cargas que afrontan.

Similar translations for "poor health" in Spanish
Context examples for "poor health" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If the health of poor people is to improve, a ‘pro-poorhealth approach is needed.
Si la salud de los pobres ha de mejorar, es necesario un enfoque sanitario “a favor de los pobres”.
Today, on the basis of these indicators, Iran is in poor health.
Hoy, a la luz de estos indicadores, Irán no goza de buena salud.
Poor mental health was supposedly just a difficult patch people went through, or not even that.
La mala salud mental no era supuestamente más que un tramo difícil que pasaban las personas, o ni siquiera eso.
Too many children are poor and face health and educational problems rooted in ongoing poverty.
Demasiados niños son pobres y se enfrentan a problemas de salud y educativos enraizados en la pobreza persistente.
The relationship between a poor environment and health risks is now clear.
La correlación entre la degradación del medio ambiente y los riesgos sanitarios es, hoy por hoy, algo que resulta evidente.
Often these problems are compounded by poor health and housing stock and a culture of drug dependency.
Con frecuencia, la falta de higiene y de viviendas y un ambiente de drogodependencia agravan estos problemas.
The same must apply to those in poor health.
Lo mismo debe ser válido para las personas de salud deficiente.
It would provide low-cost services to rich people travelling to poor countries for health check-ups.
Se prestarían servicios a bajo coste a los ricos que viajasen a países pobres para someterse a reconocimiento médico.
She is diabetic and in a poor state of health.
Es diabética y tiene una salud muy frágil.
During their lives they have suffered from poor physical and mental health, isolation and shame, and often extreme poverty.
Durante su vida han padecido mala salud física y mental, aislamiento y vergüenza y, a menudo, pobreza extrema.
We are concerned about their poor state of health.
Nos preocupa su mal estado de salud.
First, to get Professor Ibrahim released and second, as his health is poor, to secure help for him.
En primer lugar, para poder liberar al profesor Ibrahim, y en segundo lugar, y debido a su frágil estado de salud, para acudir en su ayuda.
(SV) Mr President, in recent weeks, we have once again received reports about the poor state of health of the Baltic Sea.
(SV) Señor Presidente, en las últimas semanas, hemos vuelto a recibir informes sobre el pobre estado de salud del Mar Báltico.
The report frequently mentions new Member States, as though they have poor standards in employee health and safety.
El informe menciona a menudo a los nuevos Estados miembros, como si estos tuvieran bajos niveles de seguridad y salud en el trabajo.
Pre-eclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy associated with poor health, or even death, for the mother and baby.
La preeclampsia es una complicación grave del embarazo asociada con un mal estado de salud, o incluso la muerte, para la madre y el bebé.
They have been forced to live out their lives in poor physical and psychological health, isolation, shame, and often extreme poverty.
Han tenido que vivir en un estado físico y psicológico lamentable, aisladas, avergonzadas y, a menudo, en una pobreza extrema.
He is in very poor health.
Se encuentra muy mal de salud.
This resolution achieved nothing, however, as Tenzin Delek Rinpoche is still being detained and tortured, in spite of his poor state of health.
Sin embargo, en un futuro próximo deberíamos aprobar una resolución pidiendo el final de la colonización británica de Chipre.
Public health should be regarded as our top priority in any case, but it is also true that poor public health is an excessive burden on our state budgets.
Señora Presidenta, el riesgo de morir de cáncer es cuatro veces mayor en las peluqueras que en las mujeres en general.
Another health ailment triggered by the anxiety and stress associated with our current economic state, is poor digestive health.
Otro padecimiento de salud disparado por la ansiedad y el estrés asociados con nuestro estado económico en el presente, es la pobre salud digestiva.