
"política suicida" in English

"política suicida" in English

Context examples for "política suicida" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es nuestro deber poner un punto final a esta política suicida que Europa está llevando a cabo.
It is our duty to put an end to this suicidal policy that is being pursued by Europe.
Esperar hipócritamente el hundimiento del número de ganaderos sería una política suicida.
Waiting patiently for our remaining producers to go out of business would be a suicidal policy.
El daño que ya ha causado esa política suicida es enorme, especialmente en mi país, Polonia.
The damage which has already been caused by this suicidal policy is huge, especially in my country of Poland.
Los diputados del Frente Nacional no cesan de denunciar esta política irresponsable y suicida de Bruselas desde hace años.
The National Front Députés have for years been constantly denouncing this irresponsible and suicidal policy coming from Brussels.
A largo plazo, una política de cesión ante ese grupo de presión, en un momento en que la demanda de alimentos va en aumento, es una política suicida.
A policy of giving in to this lobby group at a time of increased food demand is a suicidal policy in the long term.
Esperemos que, en un futuro próximo, Europa no siga llevando a cabo esta política suicida y de tan poco calado para el proceso de reconstrucción.
We hope that when, in the near future, it comes to the process of reconstruction, Europe will not continue with this low profile political suicide.
A nuestro Grupo, profundamente comprometido con la defensa de la salud pública, le preocupan las consecuencias de una actitud política tan suicida.
Our group is profoundly attached to the preservation of public health, but we are worried about the consequences of such a suicidal political position.