
"parece preocupado" in English

"parece preocupado" in English

Context examples for "parece preocupado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El ponente para el informe del Parlamento Europeo no parece especialmente preocupado por esas objeciones.
The rapporteur for the European Parliament's report does not seem to be particularly concerned by these objections.
El hombre europeo parece mucho más preocupado por dar culto a los ídolos de turno: el bienestar, el poder, el placer, que al Dios vivo y verdadero.
The European man seems much more concerned by his adoration of false idols: the well-being, the power, the pleasure than to the living and true God.
En segundo lugar, querría señalar que el Consejo no parece precisamente preocupado por la incapacidad de la Unión para adoptar una decisión en materia fiscal.
Secondly I should like to say that the Council does not seem to care at all that the Union is incapable of taking any decision relating to taxation.
Poettering parece más preocupado por hacer del próximo Presidente de la Comisión su juguete político que del contenido de su programa.
Mr Poettering's platoon seems more concerned about making the next President of the Commission their political plaything than about the content of his or her programme.
Poettering parece más preocupado por hacer del próximo Presidente de la Comisión su juguete político que del contenido de su programa.
MrPoettering's platoon seems more concerned about making the next President of the Commission their political plaything than about the content of his or her programme.