
"out of breath" in Spanish

"out of breath" in Spanish

Context examples for "out of breath" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, it is interesting to note that Mr Cassidy is out of breath.
Señor Presidente, resulta interesante observar que el Sr. Cassidy está sin aliento.
If, today, Greece is out of breath, it is because the method used to save it is not the right one.
Si hoy Grecia está sin aliento es porque el método empleado para salvarla no es el correcto.
That is why I arrived so out of breath, but we did very well.
Por eso llego sin aliento, pero ha merecido la pena.
he was out of breath when he arrived
llegó sin respiración
she gets out of breath
tiene ahogos
to be out of breath
estar sofocado
out of breath
sin resuello
Very lengthy application procedures stretched over many years result in small entrepreneurs quite simply running out of breath and not making it through to the final stages of the process.
Unos procedimientos de solicitud muy largos, que abarcan varios años, agotan sencillamente las energías de los pequeños y medianos empresarios, que no logran llegar hasta el final.