
"orejas" in English

"orejas" in English
ears{noun} [gastro.]
Debía poner orejas a la Unión Europea.
It should put ears on the European Union.
Fueran cuales fueran nuestras críticas en el pasado, ahora todos estamos metidos hasta las orejas en este empeño.
Whatever our past criticisms, we are all now up to our ears in this endeavour.
le encasquetó el gorro hasta las orejas
she pulled his cap right down over his ears
oreja(also: paila)
lughole{noun} [Brit.] [coll.]
wing{noun} (of chair)
Oreja- sobre los derechos en exclusiva para acontecimientos importantes.
That is why it is important that exclusive rights for major events should be handled in the Commission - and I would direct my remarks here to Commissioner Oreja in particular.
oreja(also: oído)
ear{noun} [anat.]
Debatisse incluso había propuesto fijar un chip electrónico en la oreja de cada cordero para controlarlos por satélite!.
Mr Debatisse even proposed fixing an electronic chip in the ear of every sheep to monitor them by satellite!
A Grace Kwinjeh, representante de la aposición en Bruselas, le cortaron parte de la oreja mientras estuvo detenida.
Grace Kwinjeh, the opposition representative in Brussels, has had part of her ear cut off while in custody.
Cada animal tiene un número en la oreja y si paso dicho número a la carne puedo seguir el camino de la carne hasta el animal.
Every animal has a numbered ear-tag, and if I pass the tag on with the meat, the meat can be retraced to the animal.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "oreja":
Context examples for "orejas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por tanto, creo que el tirón de orejas se ha equivocado de destinatario.
Therefore I think the telling-off was aimed at the wrong culprit.
Yo voy a darle igualmente una palmadita en la espalda, pero también voy a darle un tirón de orejas.
I am going to give you a pat on the back, too, but I am also going to give you a slap on the wrists.
Por último, la destilación obligatoria: yo también quiero tirar de las orejas a mi viejo amigo Martin.
Finally, I come to compulsory distillation: I have to wag my finger at my old friend Mr Martin here.
casco de seguridad con visor y protector de las orejas
safety helmet with hearing protectors and visor
Asimismo, las empresas occidentales que participen en la explotación ilegal de los recursos congoleños deberán recibir un tirón de orejas.
Western companies involved in the illegal exploitation of Congolese riches should also be exposed.
le encasquetó el gorro hasta las orejas
she pulled his cap right down over his ears
se caló el sombrero hasta las orejas
he pulled his hat down firmly over his ears
estaba cagado hasta las orejas
he had messed himself and he was covered in it
le chantó el sombrero hasta las orejas
he jammed her hat firmly on her head
le dicen 'Dumbo' por las orejas
they call him 'Dumbo' because of his ears
le voy a dar un buen tirón de orejas
I'll pin back his ears for him!
salió con las orejas gachas
he went off with a flea in his ear
escuchaba con las orejas paradas
she listened carefully
te voy a tirar las orejas
I'm going to tweak your ears
tenía las orejas levantadas
its ears were sticking up
tenía las orejas paradas
its ears were sticking up
escuchaba con las orejas paradas
she was all ears
dale un tirón de orejas
tweak his ears for him
estaba cagado hasta las orejas
he was filthy
con las orejas tiesas
with ears pricked up