
"opción de futuro" in English

"opción de futuro" in English

Context examples for "opción de futuro" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La opción de futuro para los cubanos no debe reducirse a la alternativa entre la continuación del régimen comunista y la toma del poder por el Gobierno en Miami.
The future for the people of Cuba should not be limited to two alternatives: either continuing with Communism or being taken over by the government in Miami.
Y, desde luego, creo que todo lo que represente una opción de futuro tiene que tener prioridades, prioridades políticas que sean creíbles y que sean constatables en la acción y en las decisiones.
I therefore believe that everything that represents an option for the future has to have priorities, political priorities which are credible and which are observable in actions and in decisions.