
"no vendido" in English

"no vendido" in English

Similar translations for "no vendido" in English
no cruzadoadjective
no forzadoadjective
Context examples for "no vendido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hemos llevado a cabo el trabajo técnico, pero aún no hemos vendido el mensaje al público.
We have done the technical work but we have not yet sold the message to the public.
no he vendido absolutamente nada esta mañana
I haven't had a single sale this morning
Bien pudiera ser que el dinero no se ha perdido como dicen porque puede volver a entrar al no haberse vendido las obligaciones.
It may well be as they say that the money is not lost because it may return, because they have not sold bonds.
El astillero Daewoo que quebró hace mucho, pero que sigue bautizando barcos, ha de ser desmantelado y no puede ser vendido a terceros.
The Daewoo shipyard, which has been bankrupt for some time, but is still launching ships, should be dismantled and not resold.
Las cuentas que vamos a aprobar muestran una pérdida de 70 millones de ecus, repito: 70 millones, por no haberse vendido las obligaciones en el momento oportuno.
In fact, during the past financial year we are due to approve, we lost ECU 70 million, and once again - you heard right - 70 million kroner by not selling securities at the right time.