
"no me importa" in English

"no me importa" in English
no me importa[example]
ustedes no van, no me importa lo que hagan los otros chicos
I don't care what the other children are doing, you're not going
la verdad es que no me importa demasiado
frankly, I don't care all that much
que no se diga que no me importa
never let it be said that I don't care
no me importa que hablen, pero que lo hagan en voz baja
I don't mind them talking, but they have to keep it quiet
no me importa que me tomen el pelo, pero ella se pasa
I don't mind teasing, but she takes it too far
no me importa salir cuando llueve
I don't mind going out in the rain

Similar translations for "no me importa" in English
us- me
Context examples for "no me importa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Eso es lo que a mí me parece útil e importante y no me importa decirlo.
This is what appears to be useful and important to me, and I do not mind saying so.
Me parece un plazo más que suficiente, aunque no me importa que este plazo se amplíe a 24 meses.
Producers have 18 months in which to demonstrate that their products are safe.
No me importa concederle la palabra, pero no tiene mucho sentido.
I would gladly give you the floor, but it does not make much sense.
No me importa cuáles son los puntos de vista de la Asamblea sobre este asunto.
I do not mind what your views are on this issue.
No me importa que se invierta en futuros y materias primas, pero esa cantidad es ridícula.
I have no problem with people investing in futures and commodities, but this is a ridiculously low margin.
Me parece un plazo más que suficiente, aunque no me importa que este plazo se amplíe a 24 meses.
This appears to me to be sufficient time, but I have no problem with extending this period to 24 months.
Señor Presidente, sobre este punto no me importa lo que hagamos.
Mr President, on this point I do not mind what we do.
No tiene sentido debatir esta cuestión, aunque no me importa mantener un diálogo bilateral con usted.
There is no point in having a debate on this, although I do not mind having a bilateral dialogue with you.
No me importa si posee un Ford o si no tiene techo.
I do not care whether he owns a Ford or is homeless.
No me importa si con ello molesto a alguien.
I do not care if it means upsetting some people.
por mí que hagan lo que quieran, ya no me importa
they can do what they like, I'm past caring
Solo quiero decirle al señor Campbell Bannerman que no me importa que me ataque pero diga las cosas como son.
I just want to say to Mr Campbell Bannerman that I do not mind you attacking me, but please, let us get the facts right.
he llegado a un punto en que ya no me importa
I've reached the point where I just don't care
A ellos les digo que no me importa.
But I believe that they cannot simply be brushed aside.
No me importa dónde nos reunamos con los enviados.
I do not mind where we meet the envoys.
En esta situación, no me importa si la violencia está siendo perpetrada por los TLET o por las tropas del gobierno.
In this situation, it does not matter to me if the violence is being perpetrated by the LTTE or by government troops.
En realidad, no me importa de qué Estados miembros se seleccione al personal del Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior.
It really does not matter to me from which Member States the staff of the European External Action Service are drawn.
no lo sé y la verdad es que no me importa
I don't know and I honestly don't care
A mí no me importa admitir que yo sí.
I do not mind admitting that I rather do.
A mí no me importa admitir que yo sí.
We need to make considerable progress.