
"no ficticio" in English

"no ficticio" in English
no ficticio{adjective}
nonfictional{adj.} (character, element)
Este ejemplo no ficticio demuestra que hemos de adoptar una normativa mejor, pero naturalmente no quiero oponerme al reglamento o al protocolo que examinamos hoy.
This non-fictional example shows that we need better solutions, but I will not of course oppose the Regulation or Protocol we have before us today.

Similar translations for "no ficticio" in English
Context examples for "no ficticio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hemos evitado la inserción de un signo de igualdad, ficticio no obstante, entre un Estado existente y un movimiento terrorista.
We have avoided inserting an equals sign, however notional, between an existing State and a terrorist movement.
Se trata de un excedente masivo y no ficticio, como se ha descubierto en los recientes escándalos contables relacionados con ciertas empresas privadas, sino real.
That is a massive surplus, not a fictitious one as occurred in certain private firms' recent accounting scandals, but a real surplus.
Se trata de un excedente masivo y no ficticio, como se ha descubierto en los recientes escándalos contables relacionados con ciertas empresas privadas, sino real.
That is a massive surplus, not a fictitious one as occurred in certain private firms ' recent accounting scandals, but a real surplus.
Lo único que no es ficticio en materia de acciones humanitarias es el tren de vida de aquellos que se ocupan de las mismas y la autopublicidad de aquellos que las dirigen.
The only thing which is not fictitious in these humanitarian measures is the lifestyle and the self-publicity of those in charge.
Este ejemplo no ficticio demuestra que hemos de adoptar una normativa mejor, pero naturalmente no quiero oponerme al reglamento o al protocolo que examinamos hoy.
This non-fictional example shows that we need better solutions, but I will not of course oppose the Regulation or Protocol we have before us today.
Esto produce un debate ficticio, no tiene ningún sentido, daña el prestigio del Parlamento y quisiera pedir que a partir de ahora este tipo de debates se tramiten por escrito.
The debate becomes a sham, it is a pointless exercise and it undermines Parliament's standing, so I would like to propose that in future, discussions of this kind should take place in writing.