
"no constituido" in English

"no constituido" in English
unincorporated{adj.} (company, association)

Similar translations for "no constituido" in English
no cruzadoadjective
no forzadoadjective
Context examples for "no constituido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mientras este fondo de reserva no esté enteramente constituido, podrá ser alimentado con:
Until such time as the reserve fund has been fully built up, it shall be fed by:
Debemos reconocer, sin embargo, que el Proceso de Barcelona no ha constituido un éxito.
However, we must recognise that the Barcelona Process has not in itself been a success.
Sin embargo aún quedan 1200 empresas que no han constituido comités de empresa europeos.
There are still 1 200 companies, however, which have not established European works councils.
Por desgracia, todavía no se ha constituido este centro.
Unfortunately, that centre has not yet been set up.
La intervención oral del Presidente del Estado italiano no ha constituido un enriquecimiento, sino que ha sido muy contraproducente.
The Italian Prime Minister's spoken contribution added nothing, but was highly counter-productive.
No ha constituido ninguna sorpresa para mí que los suecos hayan decidido que no desean suprimir su moneda nacional.
It came as no surprise to me that the Swedes have decided that they do not want to abolish their national currency.
De otra parte, Colombia no ha constituido los batallones para combatir a los paramilitares que le solicitó la Unión Europea.
Furthermore, Colombia has not assembled the units that the European Union asked it to create to fight the paramilitaries.
Europa aún no ha constituido un centro político capaz de atraer y movilizar a los ciudadanos, de ganarse su apoyo en estos tiempos cambiantes.
Europe has not yet formed a political centre able to attract and mobilise its citizens and to win their support in these changing times.
En cada nueva cumbre se dan pasos adelante en detrimento de los intereses de los trabajadores, y el Consejo Europeo celebrado en Estocolmo no ha constituido una excepción.
Every summit goes one step further in damaging the workers ' interests and the Stockholm Summit was no exception.
(EL) En cada nueva cumbre se dan pasos adelante en detrimento de los intereses de los trabajadores, y el Consejo Europeo celebrado en Estocolmo no ha constituido una excepción.
Every summit goes one step further in damaging the workers' interests and the Stockholm Summit was no exception.
Prueba de ello es que ni el Consejo ni la Comisión han hecho referencia a los pueblos indígenas, y el propio Parlamento todavía no ha constituido su delegación.
The proof is that neither the Council nor the Commission have made any reference to indigenous peoples and Parliament itself has still not arranged its delegation.
Todos sabemos que el cierre de las centrales va a ser acelerado y que no se ha constituido ningún fondo de desmantelamiento, que no tienen dinero para el desmantelamiento.
We all know that the closure of power stations is going to be speeded up and that no fund has been set up for dismantling, that they have no money for dismantling.
Al parecer se ha tratado de una victoria pírrica habida cuenta de que, tras el acuerdo, los precios en bolsa del sector apenas han aumentado, algo que no ha constituido una buena señal.
It was a Pyrrhic victory apparently, since, following the agreement, stock exchange prices for the sector scarcely increased, which was not a good sign.
Esto vale en particular para las reglas de competencia que no afectan al marco constituido por el Tratado EURATOM en materia de investigación comunitaria en el sector nuclear.
This is particularly true in the case of the competition rules, which do not derogate from the framework established by the Euratom Treaty regarding Community nuclear research.