
"negocio propio" in English

"negocio propio" in English
declaración de impuesto de negocio propio
self-employment tax return
sueldo e ingresos de negocio propio
wages and self-employment income
ingreso neto de negocio propio
net income from self-employment

Context examples for "negocio propio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esto les permitiría establecer su propio negocio y fomentar las actividades emprendedoras.
This would enable them to set up their own business and promote entrepreneurship.
A finales de 1997, alrededor de 7 000 personas habían creado su propio negocio con esta ayuda.
By the end of 1997 about 7 000 people had set up their own business with partnership help.
A comienzos de los años setenta, mi padre fundó su propio pequeño negocio.
In the early 1970s my father set up his own small business.
Se ha puesto énfasis en la necesidad de prestar asistencia a las mujeres que quieren establecer su propio negocio.
Emphasis has been given to the need to give assistance to women who want to set up their own business.
Es responsabilidad de cada uno gestionar su propio negocio, función que no vamos a usurpar a nadie.
It is for people themselves to run their own businesses; that is a function we shall most certainly not be taking from them.
Es responsabilidad de cada uno gestionar su propio negocio, función que no vamos a usurpar a nadie.
I shall gladly incorporate into this all the ideas – and there have been very, very many of them – that I have been able to draw from today ’ s debate.
declaración de impuesto de negocio propio
self-employment tax return
sueldo e ingresos de negocio propio
wages and self-employment income
ingreso neto de negocio propio
net income from self-employment
ha montado un negocio propio
she's started her own business
montó su propio negocio
he set up his own business
En especial es necesario apoyar a quienes desean poner en marcha su propio negocio; estoy pensando en el Fondo Europeo para el Ajuste a la Globalización.
Most especially, it is necessary to support those who want to start their own business - I have in mind the Globalisation Fund.
Durante una crisis, es especialmente importante apoyar a los jóvenes, por ejemplo, ayudándoles a encontrar su primer empleo o establecer su propio negocio.
During a crisis, it is particularly important to support young people by, for example, helping them find their first job or set up their own business.