
"negligently" in Spanish

negligente{adj. m/f}
Is the reason for this extreme delay purely technical politics, or even negligent indifference?
¿Es la razón de este enorme retraso puramente técnica o se debe quizá a una indiferencia negligente?
We believe that it would be extremely negligent not to take certain control mechanisms into consideration.
Creemos que sería extremadamente negligente no considerar unos mecanismos de control específicos.
The wilful and negligent handling of food and feed must not be punished with trivial penalties.
La manipulación deliberada y negligente de alimentos y piensos no debe ser castigada con sanciones insignificantes.
So far we have been very negligent in this area and we have allowed terrorism to flourish here.
Pues hasta hoy hemos mantenido una actitud muy despreocupada en esta cuestión y hemos dejado que el terrorismo prosperase.

Context examples for "negligently" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Those breaching these standards or negligently allowing them to be breached must come in for criticism from this House.
Aquellos que infringen estas normas o permiten que se infrinjan deben ser objeto de crítica por parte de esta Cámara.
Those breaching these standards or negligently allowing them to be breached must come in for criticism from this House.
¿Estamos dispuestos realmente a dar preferencia a los derechos humanos sobre los intereses económicos y estratégicos?