
"material publicitario" in English

"material publicitario" in English
Me parece un error suponer que los consumidores tienen la oportunidad o tiempo para examinar atentamente el material publicitario.
I think it is wrong to suppose that consumers have the opportunity or time to examine advertising material very carefully.
Resulta incómodo recibir material publicitario impreso de la forma tradicional en el buzón, pero al menos no hay que pagar por él.
Receiving paper advertising material in your traditional mail box is annoying, but at least you do not pay for it.

Context examples for "material publicitario" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Resulta incómodo recibir material publicitario impreso de la forma tradicional en el buzón, pero al menos no hay que pagar por él.
Receiving paper advertising material in your traditional mail box is annoying, but at least you do not pay for it.
Me parece un error suponer que los consumidores tienen la oportunidad o tiempo para examinar atentamente el material publicitario.
I think it is wrong to suppose that consumers have the opportunity or time to examine advertising material very carefully.
impresor de material publicitario
jobbing printer
A pesar de que la OCDE se encarga de gran parte de su material publicitario, me gustaría que su prominencia en el contexto del presente acuerdo fuera mayor.
Although the OECD makes a lot of its own publicity material, I would like to have seen it have greater prominence in the context of this agreement.
Me parece un error suponer que los consumidores tienen la oportunidad o tiempo para examinar atentamente el material publicitario.
I also want to thank Mrs Bresso for leading that negotiating process, together with all the shadow rapporteurs, in particular my colleague, Mrs Thyssen, who led for our side on this.