
"mandar a" in English

"mandar a" in English
mandar a{verb}

Context examples for "mandar a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Usted dice que en estos momentos los datos se pueden mandar a través de contrato.
You say that information can currently be provided by means of a contract.
Esto tiene que parar y el Parlamento Europeo debe mandar un firme mensaje a Ankara.
This has to stop and this must be a strong message sent to Ankara by the European Parliament.
Se anima a los autores de tesis a mandar su trabajo a través del formulario adjunto.
Authors of thesis are encouraged to send an abstract of their work by filling the attached form.
Y estoy seguro de que casi todos los Estados van a mandar la lista.
I am sure that nearly all the Member States are going to do so.
Parece que mandar a treinta observadores para el control es insuficiente.
The monitoring by 30 observers seems very meagre indeed.
En Europa, se da la circunstancia de que muchos conductores se dedican a mandar mensajes mientras conducen.
One of the new phenomena on European roads is people texting while driving.
Ahora le toca mandar a su hija a los mismos campos de arroz donde le sucedió esto para que recoja el arroz.
She now has to send her daughter out to the same dangerous fields to collect the rice.
Y si se aprueba ésta, ¿va a mandar que se celebre otra votación?
If the corrigendum is adopted, will you still be having a vote?
Tesis Se anima a los autores de tesis a mandar su trabajo a través del formulario adjunto.
Thesis Authors of thesis are encouraged to send an abstract of their work by filling the attached form.
si sigues protestando te van a mandar al Congo Belga
if you carry on complaining they're going to tell you to go to hell!
Les habrían dicho que la Unión Europea no tiene legitimidad para mandar observadores electorales a su país.
You would all have said that it is unlawful for the European Union to send election observers there.
La UE no debe empezar a mandar enviados especiales a las diversas zonas conflictivas del mundo.
The EU cannot begin to busy itself with sending special envoys to different areas of conflict throughout the world.
prepararon cajas de alimentos para mandar a los refugiados
they made up boxes of food to send to the refugees
Quisiera mandar este mensaje a la Presidencia.
That is a message I should like to send to the presidency.
Este debate debe mandar una clara señal a Rusia y Ucrania para que restablezcan inmediatamente el suministro de gas.
This debate should send out a clear signal to Russia and Ukraine to immediately reinstate gas supplies.
Tras las elecciones celebradas en Eslovenia el último fin de semana, queremos mandar una señal europea a este país.
Following the elections in Slovenia last weekend we also want to send out a European signal to that country.
Gracias, señor Matsakis, pero convendrá usted que no le voy a mandar la bandera al Primer Ministro turco.
Thank you, Mr Matsakis, but you will understand that I am not going to send the flag to the Turkish Prime Minister.
Hubo que mandar a buscar alguien de la Comisión.
They had to send for someone in the Commission.
Gracias, señor Matsakis, pero convendrá usted que no le voy a mandar la bandera al Primer Ministro turco.
Thank you, Mr Matsakis, but you will understand that I am not going to send the flag to the Turkish Prime Minister.
tengo que mandar estos papeles a la impositiva
I have to send these papers to the tax office