
"lo irregular" in English

"lo irregular" in English
bumpiness{noun} (of surface, road, lawn)

Similar translations for "lo irregular" in English
Context examples for "lo irregular" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En mi opinión, es un procedimiento de lo más irregular.
To my mind, this is a most irregular procedure.
Esta es ya la segunda ampliación consecutiva del período transitorio, lo que considero muy irregular desde el punto de vista de la práctica normativa de la UE.
This is already the second consecutive extension of the transitional period, which I consider to be highly irregular from the perspective of EU legislative practice.
La reorganización del Comité de las Regiones ha significado en muchos casos la promoción de personas implicadas en presuntas irregularidades, lo que también es irregular.
The reorganisation of the Committee of the Regions has in several cases meant that people involved in suspected irregularities have been promoted, which is also irregular.
El hecho de que estemos transfiriendo fondos del Presupuesto 2002 que se usaron de forma incorrecta o irregular es lo que contribuye a financiar el bajo nivel de incremento del próximo año.
What helps to finance next year's low level of increase is the fact that we are transferring funds from the 2002 Budget that were used either wrongly or irregularly.