
"intelectualmente" in English

"intelectualmente" in English
intelectual{adjective masculine/feminine}
academically{adv.} [idiom] (intellectually)
Queremos una PESC adecuadamente financiada, académica e intelectualmente creíble y que utilice al máximo la lograda red de prevención de las crisis.
We want a CFSP that is adequately financed, that is academically and intellectually credible, using to the full the successful crisis prevention network.
intellectually{adv.} (curious, exciting)
Pueden satisfacernos intelectualmente, pero no solucionarían nada.
They might satisfy us intellectually, but they do not solve anything.
Por consiguiente, debemos ser honestos intelectualmente en nuestra evaluación.
Therefore, let us be intellectually honest in our assessment.
Eso sería intelectualmente deshonesto y factualmente incorrecto.
That would be intellectually dishonest and factually incorrect.
egghead{noun} [fam.]
academician{noun} [Amer.] [idiom] (intellectual)
Y si desaparece la propiedad intelectual, desaparece la creación intelectual.
And if intellectual property disappears, intellectual creation disappears as well.
Adali, eminente periodista e intelectual turco.
It was shocked by the murder of Mr Adali, an eminent Turkish intellectual and journalist.
Por último, está naturalmente el tema de la propiedad intelectual.
Lastly, of course, there is the question of intellectual property.
intelectual{adjective masculine/feminine}
Y si desaparece la propiedad intelectual, desaparece la creación intelectual.
And if intellectual property disappears, intellectual creation disappears as well.
¡Qué terrible pobreza intelectual, cultural y política impregna este informe!
What terrible intellectual, cultural and political poverty pervades this report!
facilidad, a crecer en la vida espiritual e intelectual, prestarse asistencia en
easily to develop their spiritual and intellectual life, to give assistance in

Context examples for "intelectualmente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sin embargo, creo que algunos países no están preparados para ello ni material ni intelectualmente.
However, I believe that some countries are not prepared for this either practically or theoretically.
el trabajo le exige poco intelectualmente
the work makes few intellectual demands on her
Creo que de hecho necesitamos estimular nuestras ideas y mantener un debate intelectualmente honesto acerca de las cuestiones que conciernen a Europa.
Let me reiterate my gratitude to the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and to the rapporteurs, Mr Duff and Mr Voggenhuber, for initiating this debate.
Ahora bien, me parecería más honrado intelectualmente y más justo en el plano de los hechos reprochar esa violencia a sus auténticos inspiradores.
Having said that, I think it would be a more accurate analysis and a fairer representation of the facts if we attributed this violence to its real instigators.