
"academically" in Spanish

academically{adverb} [idiom]
We want a CFSP that is adequately financed, that is academically and intellectually credible, using to the full the successful crisis prevention network.
Queremos una PESC adecuadamente financiada, académica e intelectualmente creíble y que utilice al máximo la lograda red de prevención de las crisis.
However, this reasoning does not apply to the academic preliminary draft.
Sin embargo, este razonamiento no es aplicable al proyecto académico preliminar.
Personally, I do not think that an academic debate of this kind would be useful.
Personalmente no creo que un debate académico de este tipo fuera útil.
We support cooperation between universities with due respect for the academic order.
Apoyamos la cooperación entre universidades con el debido respeto del orden académico.
The presentation is academic but with a firm practical emphasis.
La presentación general es académica aunque con un firme énfasis práctico.
However, this should not be restricted to schools or academic education.
Sin embargo, este estímulo no debe limitarse a las escuelas o a la educación académica.
Mr President, does an academic career depend on mobility?
Señor Presidente, ¿depende una carrera académica de la movilidad?
academic{adjective} [idiom]
lectivo{adj.} (año)
it marked the beginning of the academic year
dio comienzo al año lectivo
This seminar will be an opportunity for academics and professionals to meet up and exchange ideas, information and to carry out gatherings.
Este seminario proporciona una oportunidad para académicos y profesionales para reunirse e intercambiar ideas, información y llevar a cabo asociaciones.
academic{noun} [idiom]
A Turkish academic recently spoke of a poisoned atmosphere.
Un académico turco hablaba hace poco de atmósfera envenenada.
I, as an academic, would claim that there has to be more justice and evenness.
Como académico, reclamo más justicia y uniformidad.
The academic Sakharov always preached non-violent resistance.
El académico Sajarov siempre preconizó la resistencia no violenta.
The presentation is academic but with a firm practical emphasis.
La presentación general es académica aunque con un firme énfasis práctico.
However, this should not be restricted to schools or academic education.
Sin embargo, este estímulo no debe limitarse a las escuelas o a la educación académica.
Mr President, does an academic career depend on mobility?
Señor Presidente, ¿depende una carrera académica de la movilidad?

Synonyms (English) for "academic":
Context examples for "academically" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she's doing well academically
le va bien en los estudios
academically trained
con estudios superiores
We completely disagreed with the conclusions of the OSCE monitoring group, which produced an expensive, dismissive and academically pompous report condemning the election process.
Nosotros discrepamos completamente de las conclusiones del grupo de observadores de la OSCE, que elaboró un costoso, displicente y académicamente pomposo informe de condena del proceso electoral.