
"infielmente" in English

"infielmente" in English
infiel{adjective masculine/feminine}
two-timer{noun} [coll.] (in sentimental relationship)
El jeque Abdula, uno de los cofundadores de la Unión, dijo ayer:« El que no reza será considerado un infiel y nuestra ley nos ordena matar a esa persona.»
Sheikh Abdullah, one of the co-founders of the Union, said yesterday: ‘ He who does not perform prayer will be considered an infidel and our Sharia Law orders that person to be killed’.
El jeque Abdula, uno de los cofundadores de la Unión, dijo ayer: «El que no reza será considerado un infiel y nuestra ley nos ordena matar a esa persona.»
Sheikh Abdullah, one of the co-founders of the Union, said yesterday: ‘He who does not perform prayer will be considered an infidel and our Sharia Law orders that person to be killed’.
Esta es la razón por la cual Francisco ha querido una Orden misionera ad intra, entre cristianos (1R 14), y ad extra, entre “sarracenos y otros infieles” (1R16).
That’s why Francis has wanted a missionary Order ad intra, among Christian (1R 14), and ad extra, among “Saracens and other infidels” (1R16).
unbeliever{noun} [poet.]
infiel{adjective masculine/feminine}
nunca le había sido infiel a su mujer
he had never been unfaithful to his wife
Una Europa sin memoria, infiel a su pasado, privada de su alma cristina, es una Europa sin futuro, madura para la peor de las servidumbres.
A Europe without memory, which is unfaithful to its past and deprived of its Christian soul, is a Europe without a future, condemned to the worst depths of servitude.
errant{adj.} [poet.] (husband)
Los países infieles eran la excepción, y no la norma.
Errant countries were the exception and not the rule.
false{adj.} [arch.] (disloyal)
faithless{adj.} [poet.]
cheater{noun} [Amer.]