
"indirect cost" in Spanish

"indirect cost" in English

Context examples for "indirect cost" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
My country is competitive in European terms in relation to indirect labour cost.
En función de los costes indirectos del trabajo, mi país es competitivo a escala europea.
This is bound to be at the direct or indirect cost of the British taxpayer.
Y, sin duda, el contribuyente británico correrá con el gasto directo o indirecto de ello.
The indirect cost is even greater, in terms of unemployment, weak growth, relocations, and so on, linked to European policies.
El coste indirecto es aún mayor en términos de desempleo, escasez de crecimiento, deslocalización, etc., vinculados a las políticas europeas.
At the same time, the early closure of such a huge facility, provided for in the economic calculations, entails a huge direct and indirect cost.
Al mismo tiempo, el cierre anticipado de una instalación tan grande, según las estimaciones económicas, conlleva un enorme coste directo e indirecto.