
"imperceptiblemente" in English

"imperceptiblemente" in English
imperceptible{adjective feminine}
Cuanto menos invirtamos en la unión política, más allanaremos el camino –sin saberlo, inconsciente e imperceptiblemente– con lógica implacable, a la idea de una zona de libre comercio.
The less we invest in political union, the more we – unknowingly, unconsciously and imperceptibly – pave the way, with an implacable logic, for the concept of a free trade area.
imperceptible{adjective feminine}
el cambio ha sido prácticamente imperceptible
the change has been almost imperceptible
Los signos de la llegada del Reino son casi imperceptibles.
The signs of the coming of the Kingdom were almost imperceptible.
Pero ocurre, además, que algunos agentes de riesgo se caracterizan por su actuación casi imperceptible, larvada, silenciosa y, por lo tanto, más peligrosa.
But it is also the case that certain risk agents are characterised by their almost imperceptible, hidden and silent, and therefore more dangerous, action.
imperceptible a simple vista
indiscernible to the human eye
subtle{adj.} (not obvious)
undetectable{adj.} (difference)

Context examples for "imperceptiblemente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los meses van pasando imperceptiblemente; se está desperdiciando materia gris.
Months are slipping past; brain-power is being wasted.