
"hecho decisivo" in English

"hecho decisivo" in English

Context examples for "hecho decisivo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No son los criterios, sino la fecha, lo que se ha convertido en un hecho decisivo.
It is not the criteria, but the date, that has become decisive.
La moneda única es, de hecho, un marco decisivo, un marco vital en este proceso de construcción europea.
The single currency is a decisive goal, a vital goal in the process of European construction.
Al menos, el tema del mercado único digital ha hecho un avance decisivo al ser incluido entre las prioridades de la UE.
At least the digital single market topic has made a breakthrough into EU priorities.
El año 2008 es, de hecho, un año decisivo para Europa.
The year 2008 is indeed a crucial year for Europe.
Desde que estoy en el Parlamento, se ha conseguido, de hecho, un solo éxito decisivo en el ámbito de la música.
Since I have been a Member of this Parliament, there has only been one notable success in the field of music.
En lo que respecta a los instrumentos, creo que se ha hecho un avance decisivo y que, por tanto, vamos en la dirección adecuada.
As far as instruments are concerned, I believe that decisive progress has been made and that we are therefore going in the right direction.
La presencia de China en el mercado mundial ha sido, sencillamente, un hecho decisivo e incuestionable, pero, no lo olvidemos, muy reciente.
China's presence on the world market has simply been a decisive and unquestionable reality, but a very recent one let us not forget.
Éste es el hecho decisivo, y por eso hay que aplicarlo con inteligencia y flexibilidad, como bien ha explicado el Comisario Solbes.
This is the decisive factor, and it must therefore be applied with intelligence and flexibility, as the Commissioner has quite rightly explained.
Este es mi deseo, con el sentimiento del deber cumplido y de que, en el curso de esta semana, hemos hecho un avance decisivo.
That is therefore my wish, expressed with a sense of our having fulfilled our duty and of our having, in the course of this week, made some decisive progress.
La cantidad de propuestas suscita la impresión de que el turismo fuera hoy una cosa insegura, como si no hubieran hecho algo esencial, decisivo, los Estados miembros ni la UE.
The large number of proposals leaves you feeling that tourism is something uncertain today, as if neither the Member States nor the EU had really done anything essential or decisive in this area.