
"few minutes" in Spanish

"few minutes" in Spanish
few minutes{adverb}
(The sitting was suspended for a few minutes while awaiting the start of the vote.)
(Se suspende la sesión unos minutos a la espera del inicio del turno de votaciones.)
That is the clear position of Parliament, as will become apparent in a few minutes.
Esta es una posición evidente por parte del Parlamento, como se demostrará dentro de unos minutos.
In fact, we had another glowing example of this only a few minutes ago.
En realidad, hace solo unos minutos hemos podido ver otro ejemplo vivo de ello.

Similar translations for "few minutes" in Spanish
Context examples for "few minutes" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(The sitting was suspended for a few minutes while awaiting the start of the vote.)
(Se suspende la sesión unos minutos a la espera del inicio del turno de votaciones.)
If you would allow me, I would like to take up a few minutes after the votes.
Si usted me lo permite, pediré la palabra un instante tras las votaciones.
At sufficient concentrations, death follows in a few seconds or minutes.
A concentraciones suficientes produce la muerte en cuestión de segundos o minutos.
In fact, we had another glowing example of this only a few minutes ago.
En realidad, hace solo unos minutos hemos podido ver otro ejemplo vivo de ello.
The vote will take place during the next voting time, in a few minutes.
La votación tendrá lugar en el próximo Turno de Votaciones, dentro de unos minutos.
I would like to speak for a few more minutes about the cohesion policy.
Me gustaría hablar durante algunos minutos más sobre la política de cohesión.
An extraordinary meeting of the Conference of Presidents ended a few minutes ago.
Hace unos minutos ha terminado una reunión extraordinaria de la Conferencia de Presidentes.
Once you've saved your website, ads will appear within a few minutes.
Una vez guardado el sitio web, comenzarán a publicarse anuncios en pocos minutos.
Mr Markov, in five or six minutes time, you will be allowed a few minutes to speak.
Señor Markov, tendrá usted unos minutos dentro de cinco o seis minutos.
Mr President, I shall try to be Commissioner Monti for a few minutes.
Señor Presidente, intentaré convertirme en el Comisario Monti por unos minutos.
For the moment I shall suspend the sitting for a few minutes pending the formal sitting.
De momento, suspendo la sesión unos minutos en espera de la sesión solemne.
(The sitting was suspended for a few minutes before voting commenced)
(Se suspende la sesión por algunos minutos, en espera del turno de votaciones)
The children born during the next few minutes may live to the age of 100.
Los niños que nazcan durante los próximos minutos pueden llegar a vivir hasta los cien.
You will address our Parliament and our citizens in a few minutes.
Usted se dirigirá a nuestro Parlamento y a nuestros ciudadanos en unos minutos.
In Stockholm, the fate of Macedonia would appear to have been dealt with in a few minutes.
La suerte de Macedonia se habrá tratado en Estocolmo en unos pocos minutos.
It's worth taking a few minutes to make sure your PC is performing at its peak.
Vale la pena que dediques unos minutos a asegurarte de que el equipo funciona de manera óptima.
(CS) Allow me to elaborate a little on the debate held here a few minutes ago.
(CS) Permítanme reflexionar un poco sobre el debate que se ha mantenido aquí hace unos minutos.
(DE) Madam President, in the last few minutes we have talked a lot about industry.
(DE) Señora Presidenta, durante los últimos minutos hemos hablado profusamente de la industria.
Madam President, the discussion which ended a few minutes ago dealt with very similar issues.
Señora Presidenta, en el debate anterior se han tratado cuestiones muy similares.
Today, over a billion people use the telephone for a few minutes a day.
Hoy, más de mil millones de personas emplean el teléfono durante algunos minutos al día.