
"Federal Republic of Germany" in Spanish

"Federal Republic of Germany" in Spanish
We are also particularly grateful to the Federal Republic of Germany.
Asimismo, estamos especialmente agradecidos a la República Federal de Alemania.
Legislative elections are held in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Se celebran elecciones legislativas en la República Federal de Alemania.
Legislative elections are held in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Se celebran en la República Federal de Alemania elecciones legislativas.

Synonyms (English) for "Federal Republic of Germany":
Similar translations for "Federal Republic of Germany" in Spanish
Context examples for "Federal Republic of Germany" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, no fewer than 3 800 laws are affected by it.
En la República Federal no son menos de 3800 las leyes que se verán afectadas por ella.
Let us take my own country, the Federal Republic of Germany, as an example.
Él es el mayor partidario de la adhesión de Turquía, de esta gran locura.
It is scandalous how the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany has handled this issue.
El Canciller de la República Federal Alemana ha actuado de manera escandalosa en relación con este tema.
I want to thank Helmut Kohl, former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and freeman of Europe.
Quiero dar las gracias a Helmut Kohl, el antiguo canciller de la República Federal Alemana, ciudadano de honor europeo.
One result of this is that Poland, the Federal Republic of Germany ’ s much-valued neighbour, has plans to retain data for 15 years.
No creo que, de esta forma, podamos decir justificadamente que hemos actuado como legisladores europeos.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, even public order is defined completely differently in the various Länder's laws relating to police duties.
En la República Federal Alemana también esto es definido de manera completamente diferente por los länder.
Today's voting time will be divided in two to make space for the formal sitting devoted to the address by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany.
– Suspenderé ahora la sesión durante unos minutos en espera del discurso del Presidente Köhler.
Let us only bear in mind that statutory social insurance has a turnover of EUR 180 billion a year in the Federal Republic of Germany alone.
Pensemos que la seguridad social obligatoria mueve 180000 millones de euros al año solo en la República Federal Alemana.
Let us only bear in mind that statutory social insurance has a turnover of EUR 180 billion a year in the Federal Republic of Germany alone.
Pensemos que la seguridad social obligatoria mueve 180 000 millones de euros al año solo en la República Federal Alemana.
Firstly, why should we be surprised that the Federal Republic of Germany should want to take action on things which French justice has already condemned?
En primer lugar,¿debe sorprendernos que Alemania Federal persiga lo que la justicia francesa ya ha condenado?
Firstly, why should we be surprised that the Federal Republic of Germany should want to take action on things which French justice has already condemned?
En primer lugar, ¿debe sorprendernos que Alemania Federal persiga lo que la justicia francesa ya ha condenado?
I am very glad that the far right failed to get in at the recent Bundestag elections in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Estoy muy satisfecho de que la extrema derecha se haya quedado fuera en las recientes elecciones parlamentarias de la República Federal Alemana.
In Schleswig-Holstein, the province of the Federal Republic of Germany from which I come, we have developed a veritable abomination; we even have a bicycle ombudsman.
En el Estado federado del que procedo, en Schleswig-Holstein, hemos desarrollado un auténtico disparate, incluso tenemos un supervisor de bicicletas.
In addition, in the Federal Republic of Germany, for example, active ingredients already exist in many pharmaceutical forms and under many names without any increase in risk.
Además, en Alemania, por ejemplo, ya existen principios activos en muchas formas farmacéuticas y con muchos nombres sin que aumente el riesgo.
All this leads us to welcome the Commission’ s decision to commence, today, proceedings against the Federal Republic of Germany for infringement of the Treaties.
Por ejemplo, aunque en Escandinavia existen también sistemas de depósito, son sistemas unitarios con un servicio estandarizado de devolución y sin efectos discriminatorios.