
"family roots" in Spanish

"family roots" in English

Context examples for "family roots" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Finally, we should favour the values of adherence to family, national or religious roots which enable a reduction in violence by channelling behaviour.
Por último, sería preciso favorecer los valores de las raíces familiares, nacionales o religiosas que permiten reducir la violencia canalizando los comportamientos.
That those who have deep roots in family-mindedness, patriotism and their national identity are less prone to mental illness is not a matter of doubt.
No existe ninguna duda de que son menos propensos a las enfermedades mentales quienes poseen unas raíces más arraigadas en la idea de la familia, el patriotismo y su identidad nacional.
This is a question which I would like an answer to because it touches on my emotions, my relations, my family and my roots which lie across almost the entire Balkans.
Ésta es una pregunta que quería plantear porque es un tema muy cercano a mis sentimientos, mis amistades, mi familia y mis raíces que están dispersas a lo largo y ancho de los Balcanes.