
"expresamente" in English

"expresamente" in English
Ahora bien, la presente directiva gira expresamente en torno a la armonización.
The core of this directive is that it deals expressly with harmonisation.
Un mercado único europeo exige expresamente la retirada de este tipo de obstáculos.
A European single market expressly requires the removal of such barriers.
Sin embargo, no hemos acordado expresamente si va a haber o no una resolución.
However, we have not expressly agreed whether there is to be a resolution or not.
La comunidad internacional necesita implicarse expresamente una vez más.
The international community needs to be specifically involved once again.
Ahora quiero formular expresamente dos preguntas al Comisario Fischler.
I want now specifically to address two questions to Commissioner Fischler.
Mencionaron expresamente el FEEF y dijeron que estaban preparados para reforzarlo.
They specifically mentioned the EFSF and said that they were ready to reinforce it.
specially{adv.} (specifically)
La Presidenta del Parlamento trasladó expresamente el debate y la votación de diciembre a la sesión de hoy.
The President of Parliament specially brought the debate and vote forward from the scheduled date in December to today's sitting.
De esta forma, se señala que determinada barrica ha sido seleccionada expresamente para los clientes del hotel o restaurante.
That signifies that this cuvée has been specially selected by that hotel or restaurant for its customers.
En uno de los considerandos de la Directiva se dice expresamente que ese no debe ser el objetivo de la Directiva.
A recital has been specially included in the directive to the effect that this should not be the aim of the directive.
specially{adv.} (for special purpose)
La Presidenta del Parlamento trasladó expresamente el debate y la votación de diciembre a la sesión de hoy.
The President of Parliament specially brought the debate and vote forward from the scheduled date in December to today's sitting.
De esta forma, se señala que determinada barrica ha sido seleccionada expresamente para los clientes del hotel o restaurante.
That signifies that this cuvée has been specially selected by that hotel or restaurant for its customers.
En uno de los considerandos de la Directiva se dice expresamente que ese no debe ser el objetivo de la Directiva.
A recital has been specially included in the directive to the effect that this should not be the aim of the directive.

Context examples for "expresamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esta mención se hace expresamente para distinguirla del grupo ortodoxo serbio.
This is mentioned in order to distinguish it from the Serbian Orthodox group.
Me referiré expresamente al tema de la financiación de los partidos políticos.
I would like to single out the question of financing for political parties.
Señor Presidente, tomo la palabra para apoyar expresamente el informe de la Sra.
Mr President, I take the floor to make clear my support for Mrs Mann's report.
Apoyo por ello expresamente la enmienda de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente.
This is why I firmly support the amendment tabled by the Environment Committee.
Me adhiero expresamente a las manifestaciones de la sesión de hoy del Comisario Prodi.
I fully support the statements made by Commissioner Prodi in today's session.
En el artículo 2 de esta directiva de modificación se indica esto expresamente.
In Article 2 of the amended directive, however, it is explicitly stated.
Apoyamos expresamente estas enmiendas, por lo que hemos votado a favor de este informe.
We firmly support these amendments, and this is also why we voted for this report.
Esto fue lo que Wolfgang Schüssel y yo dijimos ayer expresamente en el Consejo.
Wolfgang Schüssel and I both said this clearly in the Council yesterday.
Quiero citar expresamente a dos de mis colegas, el señor Mandelson y el señor McCreevy.
I would like to mention two of my colleagues by name, Mr Mandelson and Mr McCreevy.
Señor Presidente, quiero adherirme expresamente a la intervención de la Sra.
Mr President, I would particularly like to support what Mrs Theato said in her speech.
El dictamen que acaba de aprobar la Comisión lo menciona expresamente.
The opinion that the Commission has just adopted makes explicit mention of that.
Lo hago ahora expresamente.
I forgot to thank the rapporteurs Mr Varela and Mrs Jöns so let me do so now.
Señor Presidente, quiero adherirme expresamente a la intervención de la Sra.
Mr President, I would particularly like to support what Mrs Theato said in her speech.
Quiero referirme expresamente a lo que nos ha dicho el ponente, Sr. Mombaur.
I want quite explicitly to refer back to what the rapporteur, Mr Mombaur, has told us.
Por ello apreciaría que el Comisario comentara expresamente esta cuestión.
I should therefore be very grateful to hear what the Commissioner thinks about this.
En el pasaporte figura expresamente: "Sólamente válido en el ámbito de la Unión Europea" .
It clearly states in the pass that it is only valid within the European Union.
En el pasaporte figura expresamente: " Sólamente válido en el ámbito de la Unión Europea ".
It clearly states in the pass that it is only valid within the European Union.
A menos que cuente con un contrato en el que se autorice expresamente, no puede:
Unless you have a contract explicitly authorizing it, you may not:
Me refiero también expresamente a la importación de alimentos de terceros países.
I also particularly have in mind food imports from third countries.
Apoyamos expresamente las medidas restrictivas para las poblaciones amenazadas.
We particularly support restrictive measures for endangered stocks.