
"empresa filial" in English

"empresa filial" in English

Context examples for "empresa filial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los trámites administrativos necesarios para crear una empresa filial son iguales a los exigidos para crear de cualquier otra empresa, en casi todo.
Branches can engage in business activities on behalf of the business to which they belong and normally enjoy management independence.
empresa filial
subsidiary company
En cambio, el criterio dominante que sustenta la relación entre la empresa matriz y su filial no es pertinente con respecto al doble cómputo.
Indeed, the criterion of dominant influence which underlies the relationship between the parent company and its branch is not relevant in the matter of double usage.
Esta enmienda 8 reduciría considerablemente el alcance de la directiva, limitando su ámbito de aplicación sólo a las relaciones entre la empresa matriz y la filial.
In fact, this Amendment No 8 would considerably reduce the scope of the directive by limiting the field of applications solely to parent-branch relationships.
Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, la empresa estatal Beltelecom, filial del Ministerio de Comunicaciones, continúa manteniendo un monopolio de las conexiones a Internet.
At the same time, however, the state firm Beltelecom which is a subsidiary of the Ministry of Communications, continues to hold a monopoly over Internet connections.
Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, la empresa estatal Beltelecom, filial del Ministerio de Comunicaciones, continúa manteniendo un monopolio de las conexiones a Internet.
– Mr President, this House has already occupied itself with Belarus repeatedly in the past, but it was only a small minority that did so: Mrs Schroedter, my colleague Mr Gahler and a few others.