
"during the day" in Spanish

"during the day" in English
de dia{adv.}
she sleeps during the day and works at night
duerme de día y trabaja de noche
This gives the impression that 'future' issues are discussed in the evening and 'past' issues during the day.
Da la impresión de que los temas «de futuro» se debaten de noche y los temas «de pasado» se debaten de día.
These issues should be dealt with during the day, not at midnight.
Estos temas deberían ser tratados durante el día, no a medianoche.
Commissioner Georgieva went to the crisis room during the day to direct operations.
La Comisaria Georgieva se desplazó al centro de crisis durante el día para dirigir las operaciones.
I walked around like a zombie but during the day I also performed operations
Deambulaba como un zombi, pero durante el día incluso he operado».

Similar translations for "during the day" in Spanish
las- la- los- el
Context examples for "during the day" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I walked around like a zombie but during the day I also performed operations
Deambulaba como un zombi, pero durante el día incluso he operado».
A day and night, color network camera delivers color images during the day.
Las cámaras de red a color con visión diurna y nocturna proporcionan imágenes a color a lo
I walked around like a zombie but during the day I also performed operations.'
Deambulaba como un zombi, pero durante el día incluso he operado».
I see it as a good start that we are able, today, to discuss it during the day.
Creo que el hecho de que hoy podamos debatir esta cuestión por la mañana es un buen punto de partida.
Commissioner Georgieva went to the crisis room during the day to direct operations.
La Comisaria Georgieva se desplazó al centro de crisis durante el día para dirigir las operaciones.
EU political sanctions were not debated during Burma Day.
Las sanciones políticas de la UE no se debatieron con ocasión del Día de Myanmar.
can be scheduled to run at selected times during each day of the week.
grabaciones continuas y activadas para que se ejecuten en horas seleccionadas durante cada día
For example, some outdoorsy themes are sunny during the day and dark at night.
Por ejemplo, algunos temas "al aire libre" aparecen soleados durante el día y oscuros durante la noche.
These issues should be dealt with during the day, not at midnight.
Estos temas deberían ser tratados durante el día, no a medianoche.
This gives the impression that 'future ' issues are discussed in the evening and 'past ' issues during the day.
Esto ha quedado un poco sentimental, pero ahora debo comentar las enmiendas.
May I also express the wish that one day Mr Lange's report will be taken during the day.
Permítame expresar también el deseo de que alguna vez tratemos sobre el informe del Sr. Lange durante el día.
he makes a note of everything he's done during the day in a notebook
apunta en una libreta todo lo que ha hecho en el día
The number of mines that appear secretly in the night is double that of the mines opened during the day.
A las minas que se retiran en un día suceden el doble de ellas, colocadas en el silencio de una noche.
With this team you could run any file in Europe, and they deserve to do this during the day from time to time.
– Su modesta petición, señor Comisario, no es tan peligrosa como la que planteó un famoso autor.
This is why I think it is so important for Parliament to give a clear signal during the day's session.
En consecuencia, creo que es vital que el Parlamento dé una señal bien clara en la reunión conjunta de hoy.
They were also associated with a significantly lower use of rescue medication both during the day and night.
También se asociaron con un uso significativamente menor de medicación de rescate durante el día y la noche.
This gives the impression that 'future' issues are discussed in the evening and 'past' issues during the day.
Da la impresión de que los temas «de futuro» se debaten de noche y los temas «de pasado» se debaten de día.
How else do we see where we are going during the day?
¿Cómo vemos si no a dónde vamos durante el día?
Then we will see how to introduce the use of dipped headlights during the day on all motor vehicles.
Después, veremos cómo introducir la utilización de las luces de cruce durante el día en todos los vehículos motorizados.
With this team you could run any file in Europe, and they deserve to do this during the day from time to time.
Con este equipo podría gestionar cualquier expediente en Europa, y merecen hacerlo durante el día de vez en cuando.