
"discurso inaugural" in English

"discurso inaugural" in English
inaugural{noun} (speech)
Con esto concluye la parte de la sesión dedicada al discurso inaugural del Presidente.
That brings to a close the part of the sitting including the President's inaugural address.
Discurso inaugural del Presidente del Parlamento Europeo
Inaugural address by the President of the European Parliament
Discurso inaugural del Presidente del Parlamento
Inaugural address by the President of the European Parliament

Context examples for "discurso inaugural" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En su discurso inaugural ha hablado usted de dos fuentes de legitimidad.
In your opening remarks you spoke of two sources of legitimacy.
Kennedy, quien en su discurso inaugural dijo: "Nos encontramos ante una nueva frontera.
Let me finish with a short quote from John F. Kennedy who said in his inauguration speech: 'We stand today on the edge of a new frontier.
Ésas fueron las primeras palabras, estimados colegas, que pronuncié el año pasado en mi discurso inaugural sobre la crisis de las dioxinas en Bélgica.
Those, ladies and gentlemen, were indeed the first words I spoke in my maiden speech last year with reference to the Belgian dioxin crisis.
Son los valores que creo que el presidente Mahmud Abbás estaba dispuesto a aceptar y de los que habló en su discurso inaugural en enero de 2005.
These are the values which I believe President Mahmoud Abbas was prepared to accept and of which he spoke in his inauguration speech in January 2005.
– Señor Presidente, Comisarios, Después del discurso inaugural, hoy empieza el trabajo para nosotros, los nuevos diputados al Parlamento Europeo.
I must apologise for making such a long speech, but this is my last appearance in this House, as I will not be a candidate in the European elections.
También por ese motivo, tal como mencioné en mi discurso inaugural, he incluido el tema de la discontinuidad en la agenda, pues considero que este asunto va a ser importante a la larga.
For that reason too, as I mentioned in my opening speech, I have put the issue of discontinuity on the agenda, because I believe this topic will be important in the longer term.