
"deposit insurance" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation":
Context examples for "deposit insurance" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Corporación Federal de Seguros de Depósitos
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Corporación Federal de Seguro de Depósitos
- (CS) (the beginning of the speech could not be heard) deposit insurance, which the European Parliament has proposed in a very flexible way and which I have voted for, is clear.
- (CS) (no se pudo oír el principio del discurso) garantía de depósitos, propuesto por el Parlamento Europeo de manera muy flexible y por el que he votado a favor, es claro.
If the revenue were used exclusively to finance deposit insurance or for purely economic purposes, the financial sector would not be making a fair contribution to global justice.
Las transacciones solo para financiar un seguro de depósitos o para elementos exclusivamente económicos no serían una contribución justa del sector financiero a la justicia global.