
"aseguradora" in English

"aseguradora" in English
Este debe ser protegido ante una eventual incapacidad de pago de su aseguradora.
They are to be protected in the event of the insolvency of their insurance company.
Para las aseguradoras es fundamental que las tarifas sean proporcionales a los riesgos previsibles.
It is fundamental to the insurance business that premiums are related to predictable risks.
Una cosa así significaría minar el sistema de seguridad social pública en beneficio de las compañías aseguradoras.
That would further undermine the public-sector insurance system to the benefit of insurance companies.
Este debe ser protegido ante una eventual incapacidad de pago de su aseguradora.
They are to be protected in the event of the insolvency of their insurance company.
compañía aseguradora de hipotecas
mortgage insurance company
Si resulta que tu aseguradora no tiene autorización para operar en Bélgica, tendrás que buscarte otra.
But if you find your French insurance company is not authorised in Belgium, you will have to find another insurer.
insurer{noun} (company)
Tu aseguradora debe poder ayudarte a hacer cualquiera de estos dos trámites.
Your insurer should be able to help with any of these procedures.
Consulta a tu aseguradora antes de salir al extranjero.
For these, you will have to check with your insurer before leaving the country.
Consulta a tu aseguradora si tu contrato actual te cubre en el país al que trasladas.
You will have to check with your insurer whether your current contract will be valid in the country you are moving to.
insurer{noun} (person)
Tu aseguradora debe poder ayudarte a hacer cualquiera de estos dos trámites.
Your insurer should be able to help with any of these procedures.
Consulta a tu aseguradora antes de salir al extranjero.
For these, you will have to check with your insurer before leaving the country.
Consulta a tu aseguradora si tu contrato actual te cubre en el país al que trasladas.
You will have to check with your insurer whether your current contract will be valid in the country you are moving to.
underwriter{noun} (in insurance)

Context examples for "aseguradora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
compañía aseguradora de hipotecas
mortgage insurance company