
"asegurador" in English

"asegurador" in English
Su asegurador no está autorizado a proporcionar ese seguro.
Their current home insurer is not allowed to provide that cover.
Anna se siente discriminada por haberse ido a vivir al extranjero y denuncia al asegurador.
Anna felt discriminated against for having moved abroad to work, and sued her insurer.
Al final, el asegurador acepta conservar sus cotizaciones en el país A.
In the end, his previous insurer agreed to preserve his contributions in country A.
Antes de emprender viaje, infórmate en tu organismo asegurador.
Find out from your insurance institution before you travel.
Podemos comprobar que se necesita un fondo asegurador agrícola europeo ante los riesgos sanitarios y climatológicos.
We can see a need for a European agricultural insurance fund against climate and health risks.
Si se carece de un sistema asegurador sólido en la avicultura, no tendremos más remedio que tomar medidas.
If a sound insurance system in poultry farming is lacking, we will have no choice but to take action.

Context examples for "asegurador" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
A largo plazo, subrayamos el papel asegurador de la paz de una cooperación más intensa con China en el sector comercial para Asia, Europa y el mundo.
In the long term, we would stress the implications of a more intensive trading partnership with China for peace in Asia, Europe and the world as a whole.