
"demanda efectiva" in English

"demanda efectiva" in English
Los niveles de los precios ya no se están determinando por el suministro físico y la demanda efectiva de materias primas, sino por los mecanismos especulativos de los mercados financieros.
Price levels are no longer being determined by physical supply and effective demand for raw materials but by the speculative mechanisms of the financial markets.

Context examples for "demanda efectiva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El G7 habla de nuevo, tal como el colega Wurtz acaba de decir, de la reactivación de la demanda efectiva.
As Mr Wurtz has just said, the G7 have been talking again about boosting real demand.
Lo que demuestra que ya existe una demanda efectiva muy fuerte de los mercados.
Meanwhile, issues in dollars over the same seven month period fell from 57% to 50%, which shows that there is already a very strong real demand by the markets.
Los niveles de los precios ya no se están determinando por el suministro físico y la demanda efectiva de materias primas, sino por los mecanismos especulativos de los mercados financieros.
Price levels are no longer being determined by physical supply and effective demand for raw materials but by the speculative mechanisms of the financial markets.