
"defender a" in English

"defender a" in English
defender a{transitive verb}
defender a{transitive verb}

Similar translations for "defender a" in English
Context examples for "defender a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
implicaba seguramente el compromiso moral de defender a cada nación y cultura
(Preamble) surely implied a moral commitment to defend every nation and culture
Nuestra principal misión es defender a los indefensos, a los más vulnerables.
Our first mission is to defend the defenceless, those who are the most vulnerable.
Señor Presidente, quisiera defender que se someta a votación la resolución.
Mr President, I would in fact like to put the case for a vote on the resolution.
Ahora existe el Capítulo VII, y la misión de la MONUC es defender a la población civil.
Now there is a chapter 7, and MONUC's mission is to defend the civilian population.
Por esto he empezado a defender que participen expertos independientes.
This is why I have started to argue in favour of involving independent experts.
Poco ha sucedido, al menos, en lo que se refiere a defender nuestros propios intereses.
Little has happened at least when it comes to us asserting our own interests.
Todo estado soberano tiene naturalmente derecho a defenderse y defender a sus ciudadanos.
Every sovereign state is naturally entitled to defend itself and its citizens.
Estados Unidos se comprometió a defender al mundo libre en nombre de todos nosotros.
The United States undertook to defend the free world on behalf of us all.
Delors para proteger y defender a la Comisión?
Why did Mr Delors not come forward to protect and defend the Commission?
Debemos defender a ultranza el modelo agrícola europeo en esta ronda de negociaciones.
The European agricultural model has to be forcefully promoted in the talks.
Por supuesto que voy a defender las posiciones de los 15 países de la Unión Europea.
Of course, I am going to defend the positions of the 15 countries of the European Union.
Debemos defender a nuestros agricultores, pero no a costa del comercio del Tercer Mundo.
We need to support our farmers, but not at the expense of Third World trade.
Efectivamente es más fácil defender la periferia que defender a Marruecos.
It is actually easier to defend the suburbs than it is to defend Morocco.
Así pues, no se puede defender a los monopolios alegando razones de seguridad.
Therefore, safety aspects cannot be used as an excuse for a monopoly.
Como representantes electos, tenemos la obligación de defender a las personas.
As elected representatives it is our duty to stand up for the people.
Estamos llamados a defender la naturaleza, de la que formamos parte”.
We are called to defend them and to defend nature as well, of which we are a part.”
Era una mujer que hablaba, que utilizaba su palabra para defender a los demás.
She was a woman who spoke out, who used her words to defend others.
¿Porqué no nos atrevemos a defender lo que siempre anunciamos en las intervenciones electorales?
Why do we not dare to stand by what we keep announcing in our campaign speeches?
Cabrol y así lo vamos a defender en este Pleno.
We are in favour of Mr Cabrol's report, so we are going to support it here in this Chamber.
El problema es la justicia de una política para defender a las personas del mundo rural.
The problem is one of justice, a just policy to defend people living in the countryside.