
"de hermana" in English

"de hermana" in English

Similar translations for "de hermana" in English
de locoadjective
Context examples for "de hermana" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La figura de la mujer-hermana tiene notable importancia en nuestra
The figure of woman as sister has considerable importance in our Christian
una hermana, y esta dignidad de hermana debe ser considerada conscientemente por
dignity as sisters needs to be consciously fostered by him.
Estoy pensando en el trabajo agrícola no reconocido de muchos de mis amigos y amigas, de mi propia hermana.
I think of the daily unrecognised farm working of many of my friends, of my own sister.
la personalidad tan fuerte de su hermana la opacaba
she was overshadowed by her sister's strong personality
siempre iba vestida con ropa heredada de su hermana
she was always dressed in her sister's hand-me-downs
mi hermana vino de Escocia a pasar una semana en casa
I had my sister down from Scotland for a week
su belleza palidece al lado de la de su hermana
her beauty pales beside that of her sister
profundamente en sí mismo la imagen de la mujer como hermana.
image of women as sisters.
La hermana de una de las víctimas dijo a los periodistas que era una vergüenza que no se los declarara culpables de tortura.
The sister of one of the victims told reporters that it was shameful that they were not convicted of torture.
Así pues, las dos dimensiones fundamentales de la relación entre la mujer y el sacerdote son las de madre y hermana.
Thus the dimensions of mother and sister are the two fundamental dimensions of the relationship between women and priests.
¡Oh hermana de Aarón!
Then she brought him (her son) to her people, carrying it.
¡ésa no es forma de tratar a tu hermana!
that's no way to treat your sister!
Ayer celebramos aquí el décimo aniversario del euro y la entrada de su república hermana, Eslovaquia, en el euro.
Yesterday in this House we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the euro and the entry of your sister republic, Slovakia, into the euro.
siempre he tenido celos de mi hermana
I've always resented my sister
lo supe por boca de su hermana
I heard it from his sister
hermana de la caridad
Sister of Mercy
Soy su hermana celta de Escocia y le digo que tendrá que esforzarse, porque las anteriores Presidencias irlandesas fueron un gran éxito.
I am your Celtic sister from Scotland and you have a lot to live up to because the previous Irish presidencies have been such a success.
He aquí cómo surge en el horizonte de nuestra reflexión sobre la relación entre el sacerdote y la mujer, junto a la figura de la madre, la de la hermana.
At this point in our reflection on the relationship between priests and women, beside the figure of the mother there emerges the figure of the sister.
Tengo la carta de la hermana de otro ciudadano de mi circunscripción que, según me señala, lleva encarcelado en situación similar desde el 28 de marzo de 2000.
I have a letter from the sister of another constituent of mine who draws to my attention that he has been in prison since 28 March 2000 on similar suspicion.
Así ha sucedido con un muchacho, pequeño, delgado y con una voz infantil muy clara, al que se acusa de haber molestado sexualmente a su hermana de cinco años.
This is what has happened to a small slip of a boy with a very high-pitched, young child' s voice, who has been accused of sexually abusing his five-year-old sister.