
"de Aberdeen" in English

"de Aberdeen" in English
{adjective masculine/feminine}
{adjective masculine/feminine plural}
{adjective masculine/feminine}
{adjective masculine/feminine plural}

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Context examples for "de Aberdeen" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La Declaración de Aberdeen ha sido muy bien recibida, y la propia Irlanda ha prestado una gran ayuda.
The Aberdeen Declaration was very welcome, and Ireland itself was extremely supportive.
La votación sobre el informe coincide con la celebración el mismo día en Aberdeen de una importante conferencia sobre energía.
The vote on the report comes on the same day that a major energy conference takes place in Aberdeen.
Señora Presidenta, quisiera rendir homenaje a la labor realizada por un excelente laboratorio de referencia en Torry, Aberdeen (Escocia).
Madam President, I would like to pay tribute to the work which was done by a very fine reference laboratory in Torry in Aberdeen in Scotland.
Comisario Borg, apoyo sin reservas su trabajo sobre la ciencia, tecnología e innovación en el ámbito marítimo y su compromiso con la Declaración de Aberdeen.
Commissioner Borg, I fully support your work on marine science technology and innovation and your commitment to the Aberdeen Declaration.
Me dijo que a raíz de la crisis esperaban la concesión de ayudas a los criadores de ganado vacuno -represento a la zona de Aberdeen Angus-, pero que no estaban recibiendo absolutamente nada.
He said the crisis was supposed to be about helping the beef farmers - the Aberdeen Angus area which I represent - and they were getting absolutely nothing.