
"customer base" in Spanish

"customer base" in English

Similar translations for "customer base" in Spanish
Context examples for "customer base" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This anonymous data helps Avid to understand and know its customer base better.
Estos datos anónimos ayudan a Avid a entender y conocer mejor a sus clientes.
Secondly, they should improve the quality of service for large sections of their customer base.
Segundo: deben mejorar la calidad del servicio para amplias capas de consumidores.
Today we must give rail the means to regain a potentially large customer base.
Hoy es necesario dotar al ferrocarril de los medios para recuperar una clientela potencial numerosa.
Telefónica is committed to making it as easy as possible for application developers to access its global customer base.
Telefónica se ha comprometido a facilitar, en la medida de lo posible, el acceso a su base de clientes global para los desarrolladores de aplicaciones.
We should stop protecting our cows and our farmers in Europe inefficiently, and stop destroying our own customer base.
Debemos dejar de proteger a nuestras vacas y a nuestros agricultores de Europa de forma tan ineficaz, y dejar de destruir nuestra propia base de clientes.
Europe - Telefónica Europe’s revenues reached 22,512 million euros in the first nine months of 2012 while its total customer base stood at 103 million accesses.
Europa – Los ingresos de Telefónica Europa sumaron 22.512 millones de euros a finales de septiembre de 2012 mientras que el número de clientes ascendía a los 103 millones.