
"con mucho tacto" in English

"con mucho tacto" in English
tactfully{adv.} (inquire, mention)
Yo diría que ha hablado de forma convincente sobre lo que ha calificado, con mucho tacto, de verdades incómodas que perduran, incluso después de la reciente retirada.
He spoke powerfully, I would argue, about what he described, somewhat tactfully, as the uncomfortable truths that endure, even after the recent withdrawal.

Similar translations for "con mucho tacto" in English
Context examples for "con mucho tacto" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
se lo dijeron con mucho tacto
they broke it to her gently
Dentro del país tendrán que enfrentarse a los seguidores del mal perdedor, el señor Yanukóvich, con mucho tacto y habilidad reconciliadora.
Domestically, they will need to deal with the supporters of the bad loser, Mr Yanukovych, with much tact and reconciliatory skill.
Yo diría que ha hablado de forma convincente sobre lo que ha calificado, con mucho tacto, de verdades incómodas que perduran, incluso después de la reciente retirada.
Mrs Hybáš ková raised the issue of Iran and in particular the issue of diplomatic sanctions being applied.
Y en este sentido, hay obrar con mucho tacto y evitar cualquier paso que pudiera crear situaciones sin salida a los dirigentes políticos de la zona.
However, we need to tread very carefully and avoid any action which might leave the political leaders in the area with their backs to the wall.
Por ello debemos pedir a nuestros colegas de allá con mucho tacto, pero también con firmeza, que avancen ahora realmente por la vía del Acuerdo de Ohrid.
We must therefore be very diplomatic but firm with all our colleagues in Macedonia and ask them to make genuine efforts to progress with the Ohrid Agreement.