
"complete turn" in Spanish

"complete turn" in English

Similar translations for "complete turn" in Spanish
Context examples for "complete turn" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In fact, by this complete U-turn, the Commission is once again proposing harmonization at the low end.
De hecho, mediante este viraje completo, nos propone una vez más una armonización a la baja.
The government of the Federal Republic of Germany - led by the Federal Chancellor - has done a complete about-turn.
El Gobierno de la República Federal de Alemania -liderado por la Canciller Federal- ha dado un giro radical.
Is it in order that PPE-DE Group can do a complete U-turn and table an oral amendment that is the opposite of its original amendment?
Al mismo tiempo, el Grupo parece estar en total desacuerdo con sus colegas conservadores, y el ponente alternativo era un conservador.
Is it in order that PPE-DE Group can do a complete U-turn and table an oral amendment that is the opposite of its original amendment?
¿Es correcto que el Grupo del PPE-DE pueda hacer un giro radical y presente una enmienda oral que es contraria a la enmienda original?
This one element represents a complete wrong turn for a report that otherwise takes a sound approach, and it is a turn that is morally perilous.
Este elemento representa un giro completamente equivocado para un informe que, por lo demás, adopta un enfoque sólido, y se trata de un giro moralmente peligroso.