
"built-up" in Spanish

urbanizada{adj. f}
they live in a built-up area
viven en una zona urbanizada
a built-up area
una zona muy urbanizada
The entire administrative sector must also be strengthened and, in some areas, built up from scratch.
Además, todo el sector administrativo habrá de ser fortalecido y, en parte, edificado desde la base.

Context examples for "built-up" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The military hardware it had built up did nothing to prevent that terrorist action.
Todo el armamento militar que habían acumulado no impidió la acción terrorista.
The European Central Bank has built up its credibility through consistent policies.
El Banco Central Europeo ha aumentado su credibilidad mediante políticas coherentes.
Elements of the democratic structures that were built up have been undermined.
Se han desvirtuado algunos elementos del sistema democrático que se había instaurado.
Until such time as the reserve fund has been fully built up, it shall be fed by:
Mientras este fondo de reserva no esté enteramente constituido, podrá ser alimentado con:
Not only is fresh borrowing not required, but a reserve has been built up too.
No sólo no hay un nuevo endeudamiento sino que se constituye una reserva.
The Afghan institutions and basic infrastructure must be built up again.
Hay que reconstruir las instituciones y las infraestructuras básicas afganas.
MrAla has built up a wealth of experience in very difficult circumstances.
Atesora además una dilatada experiencia forjada en situaciones difíciles.
Mr Ala has built up a wealth of experience in very difficult circumstances.
Atesora además una dilatada experiencia forjada en situaciones difíciles.
The European Union was built up over time and through various trials.
La Unión Europea se fue construyendo con el tiempo y a pasando por varias pruebas.
It is no wonder that the European Union has built up a trade surplus.
Por ello no es de extrañar que la Unión Europea haya amasado excedentes comerciales.
In short: the federal state is built up by knocking down the national state.
En resumen, el Estado federal se crea derribando al Estado nacional.
To share those is a wonderful chance, which will be built up by MEDIA Mundus.
Compartir esos bienes supone una maravillosa oportunidad y será posible gracias a MEDIA Mundus.
It is when people find work and enjoy social protection that confidence is built up.
La confianza se consolida cuando los ciudadanos encuentran trabajo y gozan de protección social.
Fifthly and finally, let us remember that good diplomacy is built up over many years.
En quinto y último lugar, recordemos que la buena diplomacia se forja a lo largo de muchos años.
This means that it has to be built up in a gradual and pragmatic way.
Eso significa que debe ser construido de manera gradual y pragmática.
This will not result in a complete electronic library of European titles being built up.
Esto no conducirá a la construcción de una biblioteca electrónica completa de títulos europeos.
What to do with this enormous debt that has built up by granting credit without guarantees?
¿Qué se debe hacer con esta enorme deuda que se ha creado concediendo créditos sin garantías?
Government institutions have had to be built up from scratch.
Las instituciones gubernamentales se han tenido que reconstruir desde cero.
As living stones we here on earth are being built up along with this City (cf. 1 Pt 2:5).”(23)
Efectivamente, en este mundo servimos cual piedras vivas para edificarla (cf. 1 P 2,5)» (23).
It is these whom we have to protect, and so a degree of tolerance must be built up.
Es precisamente a estos a quienes debemos proteger, por lo que debe permitirse cierto grado de tolerancia.