
"brain-damaged" in Spanish

"brain-damaged" in English
he suffered brain damage
sufrió una lesión cerebral
In the early stages after injury it is therefore important that efforts are made to minimise secondary brain damage to provide the best chances of recovery.
La lesión cerebral traumática es frecuente y tiene una repercusión alta sobre el bienestar de las personas afectadas.
If this swelling is not controlled, further brain damage is caused.
Si este edema no se controla, causa daño cerebral adicional.
Severe hypotension poses serious risks to mother (such as loss of consciousness) and baby (such as lack of oxygen and brain damage).
Una hipotensión grave se asocia con riesgos graves para la madre (pérdida de la conciencia) y para el feto (falta de oxígeno y daño cerebral).

Context examples for "brain-damaged" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she was born brain-damaged
nació con una lesión cerebral
So, 300 000 to 400 000 0-6-year olds are permanently brain-damaged and 1 000 000 0-6-year olds are permanently stunted.
Por tanto, entre 300.000 y 400.000 niños menores de 6 años sufren daños cerebrales irreversibles y 1.000.000 de niños menores de 6 años serán raquíticos de por vida.
It is a progressive disease, which means that over time, more parts of the brain will become damaged and, as this occurs, the symptoms become worse.
Es una enfermedad progresiva, lo que significa que con el paso del tiempo se deterioran sucesivas partes del cerebro y, a medida que esto ocurre, los síntomas empeoran.