
"to be pals" in Spanish

"to be pals" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be pals" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In this brand-new series the Pet Pals are committed to the protection of the environment on all fronts.
En esta serie completamente nueva los Pet Pals se comprometen con la protección del medioambiente desde todas las perspectivas.
we've been pals for ages
hace años que somos amigos
This means that I can ask him whether he knew that Hasim Thaci and his pals had been trafficking in human organs of Serbian captives.
Eso significa que puedo preguntarle si sabía que Hasim Thaci y sus compinches habían traficado con los órganos de los prisioneros serbios.
we're bosom pals
somos amigos íntimos
A new extraordinary animated series by Gruppo Alcuni, having the six Pet Pals as protagonists and focused on the issue of water protection.
Una reciente extraordinaria serie animada del Gruppo Alcuni, con los seis Pet Pals como protagonistas y centrada en el tema de la protección del agua.