
"to be at law" in Spanish

"to be at law" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to be at law" in Spanish
Context examples for "to be at law" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Under due process of law, the judiciary is independent of the other authorities.
En un Estado de derecho, el poder judicial es independiente de los demás poderes.
The acquis communautaire is about substantive law and we are not changing that.
El acervo comunitario trata sobre el derecho sustantivo y no vamos a cambiar eso.
interprets natural law through its unchanging doctrine, reminds men and women
al exigir que los hombres observen las normas de la ley natural interpretada por
I do not think this can be justified in terms of respect for the rule of law.
No creo que esto pueda justificarse en términos de respeto al estado de derecho.
Scarcely any academic research has been done into this aspect of Community law.
El derecho comunitario apenas ha sido investigado científicamente en este sentido.
We have already mentioned that there are black holes in labour law regulation.
Ya hemos mencionado que hay agujeros negros en la regulación del derecho laboral.
Naturally, you must check the law and the legislation - what is the alternative?
Obviamente, deben comprobar la ley y la legislación; ¿cuál es la alternativa?
The role of the Commission is that of monitoring the application of Community law.
El papel de la Comisión es el de controlar la aplicación del Derecho comunitario.
The Greens believe that self-funding should be made compulsory under the law.
Los Verdes creemos que la autofinanciación se debería hacer obligatoria por ley.
I want to say to Mr Jarzembowski that this law would be devastating for jobs.
Quiero decir al señor Jarzembowski que esta ley sería desastrosa para el empleo.
It is therefore natural to also develop the framework for international civil law.
Por esto es obvio que se desarrolle el marco del derecho internacional privado.
Nevertheless, we agree that a law passed by a dictator is still called a law.
No obstante, aceptamos que una ley aprobada por un dictador siga llamándose ley.
under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive
nacido bajo la ley, para rescatar a los que se hallaban bajo la ley, para que
They state that the Commission should take steps on the basis of Community law.
En su opinión, la Comisión debe tomar decisiones basadas en el Derecho comunitario.
Everyone here wishes to clarify the law and believes that a directive is needed.
Todo el mundo aquí desea aclarar el Derecho y piensa que es necesaria una directiva.
All this is about, after all, is making law which is already in force more visible.
Aquí se trata de perfilar con mayor claridad los contornos del Derecho vigente.
I think that criminal law is the responsibility of the Member States, not the EU.
Opino que el Derecho penal es responsabilidad de los Estados miembros, no de la UE.
There are far too few mechanisms here; there is far too little regard for the law.
En este sentido, existen muy pocos mecanismos, muy poco respeto de la legislación.
Surely the application of law to such groups is both unnecessary and unhelpful.
Ciertamente, la aplicación de la ley a tales grupos es tan innecesaria como inútil.
In Turkish criminal law, it is a crime to insult what is termed 'Turkish identity'.
En el Derecho penal turco es un delito ultrajar la denominada "identidad tuca".