
"bandera roja" in English

"bandera roja" in English
red flag{noun}
Lo considero una bandera roja para todos los ciudadanos democráticos.
I consider that a red flag for all democratically-minded citizens.
Al abordar esas nuevas tecnologías, debemos procurar no crear un sistema como el del hombre con la bandera roja que intenta detener los avances del automóvil.
We have to be careful that, in dealing with these new technologies, we do not design a system like that of the man with the red flag who tries to block the advances of the car.

Context examples for "bandera roja" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El pasado mes de marzo, esa bandera fue alzada junto a nuestra bandera nacional, blanca, roja y blanca.
In March, that flag was raised alongside our white, red and white national flag.
Lo considero una bandera roja para todos los ciudadanos democráticos.
I consider that a red flag for all democratically-minded citizens.
La histórica bandera blanca, roja y blanca de Belarús está prohibida y el idioma oficial es el ruso.
The historic white-red-white Belarussian flag is banned and Russian is the official national language.
La bandera roja de los detractores es en realidad un llamamiento al Parlamento Europeo para que se enfrente al Consejo y no se deje embaucar.
The gist of what those opposed to this are saying is really that Parliament should defy the Council and not allow it to walk all over us.
Al abordar esas nuevas tecnologías, debemos procurar no crear un sistema como el del hombre con la bandera roja que intenta detener los avances del automóvil.
We have to be careful that, in dealing with these new technologies, we do not design a system like that of the man with the red flag who tries to block the advances of the car.