
"Attorney General" in Spanish

Even the Law Council, the Attorney-General and the bar association in Sweden do not think this is allowed.
También, en Suecia, el Consejo de Juristas del Parlamento, el Fiscal General del Estado y el Colegio de Abogados opinan que esto no está permitido.
The Attorney-General of Natal charged three top management officials with homicide in 1993.
En 1993 el fiscal general de Natal acusó de homicidio a tres altos directivos.
The governor has mandated the Attorney General to lead the investigation personally.
El presidente ha encargado al fiscal general de México que dirija personalmente la investigación.
The US Attorney General called for the death penalty.
El Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos pidió pena de muerte.
deputy attorney general
sub procurador general
The Attorney-General, an upholder of human rights, has had his powers restricted by the Government .
El Procurador General, que trata de velar por los derechos humanos, ve limitados sus poderes, encima por parte de las autoridades.

Similar translations for "Attorney General" in Spanish
Context examples for "Attorney General" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
According to information from the BBC, France wanted a power of attorney of general, worldwide scope, not just for Somalia, but was fortunately unable to win through on this.
Según la información proporcionada por la BBC, Francia pretendía obtener un poder de alcance general, mundial, y no sólo restringido a Somalia, pero por desgracia no pudo obtenerlo.