
"procurador general" in English

"procurador general" in English
attorney general{noun} [Amer.]
sub procurador general
deputy attorney general
El Procurador General, que trata de velar por los derechos humanos, ve limitados sus poderes, encima por parte de las autoridades.
The Attorney-General, an upholder of human rights, has had his powers restricted by the Government .

Context examples for "procurador general" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En junio de 1973 fue elegido Vicario y Procurador General de la Orden de los Hermanos Menores en el Capítulo General de Madrid (13 mayo – 10 julio de 1973).
In June of 1973, he was elected Vicar General and Procuator General of the Order of Friars Minor at the General Chapter of Madrid (May 13-July 10. 1973).
La comisión está formada por el Procurador general, el Secretario de la Procura, el Secretario general y el Vicesecretario para la formación y los Estudios.
This commission is made up of the Procurator General, the Secretary of the Procurator’s Office, the Secretary General and Vice-secretary for Formation and Studies.
El procurador general ha manifestado claramente que el criterio correcto es el de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente y mío, y no el que sostiene la Comisión.
The Advocate-General has clearly come out in favour of its being my and the Committee on the Environment's view that is correct, and not that put forward by the Commission.
El procurador general ha manifestado claramente que el criterio correcto es el de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente y mío, y no el que sostiene la Comisión.
The Advocate-General has clearly come out in favour of its being my and the Committee on the Environment' s view that is correct, and not that put forward by the Commission.