
"Ministra de Justicia" in English

"Ministra de Justicia" in English

Context examples for "Ministra de Justicia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
– Señor Presidente, sobre la observancia del Reglamento, la Ministra de Justicia de Austria ha tardado mucho en venir.
We reach a very small number of questions, and answers are allowed to go on forever.
– Señor Presidente, sobre la observancia del Reglamento, la Ministra de Justicia de Austria ha tardado mucho en venir.
Mr President, on a point of order, the Minister of Justice of Austria has come all this way.
Me he enterado en Praga a través de la ministra de Justicia que se han recabado para esta finalidad los servicios de la ENA.
I was told by the Minister of Justice in Prague that they have called upon the ENA for this purpose.
La segunda mujer rumana es la ganadora de este año, Monica Macovei, la anterior ministra de Justicia independiente de Rumanía.
The second Romanian woman is this year's winner, Monica Macovei, Romania's former independent justice minister.
A este respecto, me refiero al debate que acaban de celebrar en esta Cámara con mi colega, la Ministra de Justicia.
I would refer in this connection to the debate you have just held in this House with my colleague, the Minister for Justice.
Eso es lo que ha llevado a la Ministra de Justicia del Gobierno federal alemán, Brigitte Zypries, a iniciar una revisión parlamentaria.
This is what has prompted the German Federal Minister of Justice, Brigitte Zypries, to initiate a parliamentary review.
El impulso lo dio la Ministra de Justicia, por cuya sugerencia hace más de un año la cumbre de Tampere acordó la creación de Eurojust.
The German Justice Minister initiated this; it was at her suggestion that the Tampere Summit decided to establish Eurojust over a year ago.
- (FR) Señor Presidente, Señorías, Ministra de Justicia, quisiera dirigirme a ustedes precisamente en esta calidad para terminar el debate.
- (FR) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, Minister of Justice, it is precisely in this capacity that I should like to address you at the end of this debate.
Eso es lo que ha llevado a la Ministra de Justicia del Gobierno federal alemán, Brigitte Zypries, a iniciar una revisión parlamentaria.
Just like the Member States in the Council, we started out with very diverse views and a different understanding, but sustainable compromises emerged from our discussions.
La cuestión es, ya que su Señoría se dirigió específicamente a mí como Ministra de Justicia, si el Consejo tiene realmente la competencia de hacerlo en virtud del Tratado de la Unión Europea.
Since fear, in turn, gives rise to negative feelings, it is entirely possible, of course, for racism and xenophobia to arise.
Rothley: nosotros somos legisladores, pero su propia Ministra de Justicia de Alemania, la Sra.
What Mr Rothley says is also incorrect. We are indeed a legislative body, but his own Minister of Justice in Germany, Ms Däubler-Gmelin, once applied this procedure.
La cuestión es, ya que su Señoría se dirigió específicamente a mí como Ministra de Justicia, si el Consejo tiene realmente la competencia de hacerlo en virtud del Tratado de la Unión Europea.
The question is – since the honourable Member specifically addressed me as a Minister for Justice – whether the Council actually has the competence to do this under the EU Treaty.
Mis colegas suecos, la Ministra de Justicia, Beatrice Ask, y el Ministro de Migración, Tobias Billström, estuvieron ayer aquí y presentaron el programa de Estocolmo en un debate muy largo.
My Swedish colleagues, the Minister for Justice, Beatrice Ask, and the Minister for Migration, Tobias Billström, were here yesterday and presented the Stockholm Programme in a very long debate.