
"aquellas" in English

"aquellas" in English
aquellas{pronoun feminine plural}
caridad, con las Iglesias más necesitadas, especialmente con aquellas que
that are more in need, especially those that are in areas that have been only
De aquellas de nuestras propuestas que se aprobaron, quisiera subrayar lo siguiente:
Of our proposals that were adopted, I should like to highlight the following:
ovejas y va en busca de aquellas que están perdidas o se encuentran todavía
guides his own sheep and goes in search of those that are lost or are still
yon{adj.} [poet.]
aquellas{pronoun feminine plural}
de aquellas que recuerdan el sacrificio de víctimas menos conocidas o
those inscriptions, including those commemorating the sacrifice of victims
caridad, con las Iglesias más necesitadas, especialmente con aquellas que
that are more in need, especially those that are in areas that have been only
se orienten hacia aquellas opciones que parecen ser evangélicamente
both the ecclesial and civil communities; and focus attention on those
that{pron.} (demonstrative)
caridad, con las Iglesias más necesitadas, especialmente con aquellas que
that are more in need, especially those that are in areas that have been only
se orienten hacia aquellas opciones que parecen ser evangélicamente
both the ecclesial and civil communities; and focus attention on those
a través del misterio pascual, reviviendo aquellas horas cruciales
through the Paschal Mystery, reliving those crucial hours when Christ,

Context examples for "aquellas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es decir, se trata de aquellas sustancias sobre las que ya se tiene información.
In other words, it concerns substances on which information is already available.
A aquellas se les señala un baremo de 150.000 ecus. A estos otros de 15.000 ecus.
The financial threshold for paintings is 150, 000 ECU and for drawings 15, 000 ECU.
todas aquellas actividades de los gobiernos o de otras autoridades públicas,
activities of governments or other public authorities which attempt to limit in
En Kaliningrado se concede incluso una mayor importancia a éstas que a aquéllas.
The latter are possibly considered to be more important than the former.
Imperio romanogermánico, e intentaban rechazar aquellas formas de vida que
new Romano-Germanic Empire, and who were attempting to resist forms of life
Esto vale para aquellas regiones belgas que pudieran encontrarse en tal caso.
This applies clearly to the Belgian areas which may be affected by it.
Hay que eliminar tareas y concentrarse solamente en aquellas de carácter transfronterizo.
The EU must cut back on the work it does and concentrate on the cross-border problems.
Para vender nuestras mercancías tenemos que competir con aquéllas de otros países.
We have to sell our goods in competition with goods from elsewhere.
acogida, exceptuando aquellas cercanas a la ciudad de Roma que recibirán
in the historical centre of Rome, will be accessible only to the members
Se interesa asimismo de aquellas fraternidades y asociaciones laicales
life; it also follows the development of fraternities and lay associations
y [ahora] aquellas viviendas suyas están vacías, [derrumbadas] a causa de sus malas obras.
Behold, what was the nature of the consequences of their plotting, for lo!
En el transcurso de aquellas dos semanas el Definitorio pasó algún tiempo fuera de la Curia.
In the course of these two weeks, the Definitory spent some time away from the Curia.
Hay que evitar todas aquellas informaciones dadas al consumidor, que él ni siquiera ha requerido.
Communications to the consumer which he has not requested have to be controlled.
aquellas proféticas palabras: "El mayor pecado del siglo es la pérdida
the Pastors of the Church in these prophetic words: "The greatest sin of
Agradezco a todas aquellas de sus Señorías que han contribuido enormemente a estas negociaciones.
I thank all of my fellow Members who have put so much into these negotiations.
laicales de los fieles; erige luego aquellas que tienen un carácter
erects associations of an international character and provides approval or
La historia es el compendio de aquellas cosas que podían haber sido evitadas.
History is a compendium of events which could have been avoided.
De esta manera, aquellas palabras, puestas al principio de la Biblia, no dejan de ser actuales.
And so these words, placed at the beginning of the Bible, never cease to be relevant.
Por tanto, con aquellas Iglesias se fomentan relaciones como
with these Churches relations are to be fostered as between sister Churches, to
Sólo si se produce una distorsión del mercado interior tienen aquéllas una competencia de regulación.
Only if the internal market is disrupted does the Union have regulatory powers.