
"apestarse" in English

to niff {v.i.} [Brit.] [coll.]
to smell up {vb} [coll.] (place)
to whiff[whiffed · whiffed] {v.i.} [Brit.] [coll.] (stronger)
to hum[hummed · hummed] {v.i.} [Brit.] [coll.] (stink)
to pong {v.i.} [Brit.] [coll.]
apestar[apestando · apestado] {transitive verb}
apestar a algo
to reek of sth
Este doble rasero apesta.
Those double standards reek.
¡La propuesta apesta a proteccionismo encubierto!
The proposal reeks of covert protectionism!
Hay un refrán que dice "el pescado apesta desde la cabeza hasta la cola".
There is a saying that goes 'the fish stinks from the head down'.
apestar a algo
to stink of sth
La poca voluntad de realizar reformas en este ámbito apesta, y los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea no lo van a seguir tolerando.
The disinclination to make reforms in this area stinks to high heaven, and the citizens of the European Union will no longer stand for it.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "apestar":