
"agente patógeno" in English

"agente patógeno" in English
agente patógeno{masculine}
¿Qué procedimientos habría que seguir si se encontrara un agente patógeno no transmisible entre seres humanos?
What procedures are followed if a pathogen is found that is not capable of human-to-human transmission?
La causa es el agente patógeno, como ha dicho el señor Liese.
As Mr Liese has said, the cause is the pathogen.
(DE) Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, provengo de la región de Europa donde el brote del agente patógeno de EHEC está siendo más tremendo.
(DE) Mr President, Commissioner, I come from the region of Europe where the outbreak of the EHEC pathogen is at its raging worst.

Similar translations for "agente patógeno" in English
Context examples for "agente patógeno" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El agente patógeno ha sido filosófico.
The pathogenic agent has been a philosophical one.
En su opinión, estas medidas son importantes, pues reducen el peligro de entrar en contacto con el agente patógeno causante de la EEB.
The committee took the view that these measures were important, in that they reduced the risk of coming into contact with the infective agent which causes BSE.
Trascendental por la importancia del tema debatido, la EEB, de la que no se conoce casi nada, ni cuál es el agente patógeno, ni cómo se transmite.
Momentous, because of the importance of the subject under discussion: BSE, about which hardly anything is known - neither what the pathogenic agent is, nor how it is transmitted.
Según el mencionado Comité, el peligro se podría reducir aún más si se saca de la cadena alimentaria a todos los animales que han entrado probablemente en contacto con el agente patógeno.
However, it added that this threat should be further reduced by removing from the food chain all those animals which had had any probable contact with the agent.