
"additional premium" in Spanish

"additional premium" in English
{noun} [idiom]
All this talk of unity within Europe is worth very little when faced with a small additional premium.
Las grandes declamaciones sobre la unidad Europa pesan muy poco frente a una pequeña sobreprima...

Context examples for "additional premium" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They will find it hard to understand why we have reduced the proposed aid to an additional ECU 10 per premium.
Difícilmente comprenderían una ayuda complementaria rebajada a 10 ecus por prima.
All this talk of unity within Europe is worth very little when faced with a small additional premium.
Las grandes declamaciones sobre la unidad Europa pesan muy poco frente a una pequeña sobreprima...
If the Commission makes sure that it adds the additional premium increase for the farms to the global payment system, then we would be satisfied.
Si la Comisión nos asegura que los incrementos en las primas será contabilizado para las explotaciones en régimen simplicado, nos damos por satisfechos.
And the idea of an additional premium for non-intensive farms has been rejected too.
Se niegan los 50 ecus que preveía el Sr. Jacob, lo que ya era poca cosa; se niega una prima complementaria para las producciones extensivas.